Android Prebuild Image

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First of all, you need an USB stick with at least 2-4GB.

All contents of this USB stick will be erased during the process!
You should be familiar with the "gparted" or "fdisk" command and know which name (/dev/sdXXX) your USB stick has, otherwise you may erase your harddisk!
You have been warned!

Create three partitions on the USB stick.

  • p1: FAT32 partition with ~1GB (this will be your EFI+Android base), call it "ANDROID"
  • p2: ext2 partition with ~1GB (this will be your /data), call it "DATA"
  • p3: FAT32 partition using the remaining space (this will be your /sdcard), call it "SD"

The easiest way to achieve this is to use a program like "gparted".

Instead of manually partitioning the USB stick, you can also download this archive (~7kb).

Unpack it with this command (it will expand to ~4gb!):

$ tar xvjf android-joggler-empty-partitions-4gb.img.tar.bz2

Once it is expanded put it on to a spare memory stick using "dd" in Linux with sdX=the name of your USB stick, e.g. sde, see "dmesg". You can also use mount or Gparted to find it. Beware this is will remove all your data on your drive, usb or otherwise.

$ sudo dd if=android-joggler-empty-partitions-4gb.img of=/dev/sdX bs=10M

On Windows, you can use win32diskimager ( to write the .img file above to a clean USB stick, creating the empty partitions for you.

Now download the newest prebuilt image via Bittorrent:

Put the content of the archive in the root directory of your first partition (FAT32) on the stick.

The first partition should now have these entries:

  • boot.nsh
  • grub.cfg
  • grub.efi
  • README.txt
  • startup.nsh
  • android/
    • initrd.img
    • install.img
    • kernel
    • ramdisk.img
    • system.img

That's it!

Put the USB stick in the Joggler and power it up!

If you need help, join #mer or #joggler on

Note: You can change the MAC address for eth0 in the grub.cfg: ETH_MAC=xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx (That's only needed if you want to use multiple *wired* Jogglers simultaneously)

See Android for the current progress and Build Android Image if you want to build your own Android image.