Using current posted Debian image and installation of Hamclock software
Doing this on my Ubuntu Linux laptop. Don't use Windows 11 much these days but I do have it dual booting on all of my laptops.
I've done this before and it worked fine. This time will reduce image to smallest possible image and post image for downloading.
Concurrently making late lunch here..simple...baked potatoes on the bbq grill.
Washed potatoes, cooked them in Microwave oven for about 10 minutes. Soaked in water. Salted and wrapped in Aluminum then to BBQ grill to back for about 45 minutes to get a nice hard shell.
Currently base Squeezeplayer USB stick used is a 32Gb stick.
1 - Gparted reduced image for Squeezeplayer stick to 4Gb
2 - DD copied current stick to image file
sudo dd if=/dev/sdb | gzip -c >/tmp/o2squeezebox.img.gz
3 - removed partitions and formatted drive
4 - downloaded current image ==.> ... atest_510/
5 - wrote image to USB stick - resized image to 4Gb
6 - put new USB stick in O2 Joggler - boots fine to login. Connected Gb port to Gb switch.
7 - SSH'd to Joggler
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/home/pete# ssh of@
of@'s password:
Linux openframe 5.10.167op #1 SMP Tue Feb 7 03:12:10 UTC 2023 i686
The programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are free software;
the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the
individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.
Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent
permitted by applicable law.
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root@openframe:/usr/local/sbin# of-timezone set America/Chicago
10 - install base desktop to OS
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sudo apt install lightdm lxsession xorg openbox
sudo apt install curl make g++ xorg-dev
sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm
sudo apt-get install -y lightdm-gtk-greeter
12 - you get your blank desktop
13 - ssh to device
14 - install hamclock
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cd /home/of
curl -O
cd ESPHamClock
make -j 4 hamclock-800x480
sudo make install
sudo nano ~/.config/openbox/autostart
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# Programs that will run after Openbox has started
# Set the wallpaper
# hsetroot ~/wallpaper.png &
# Run a Composite manager
# xcompmgr -c -t-5 -l-5 -r4.2 -o.55 &
# SCIM support (for typing non-english characters)
# scim -d &
# A panel for good times
# fbpanel &
# start hamclock
hamclock &
17 - configure openbox to auto login user "of"
18 - reboot and you will see Hamclock loading.
Attached is a 4Gb stick (smallest I had) image tested a couple of times.!Akj-Oin7_x0rgaJRUIi ... Q?e=TphY3O