PnP III v3.60 July 2017 Update

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PnP III v3.60 July 2017 Update

Post by craig_1234 »

PNP3 v3.60 July 2017 Update

Here is my updated version of PNP3 (update compiled by Craig) based upon final version v3.50 by OffbeatDave. viewtopic.php?f=2&t=555

Giving back to the Joggler community!

Joggler support only

Tested on Internal memory, but should work if run from USB

UPDATE 16-09-2017: If you are having problems starting LMS or missing perl dependencies, please re-download and install using the links below:

Download v3.60 July 2017 (Mega):!Nnxn3aKL!5wLf7RRUagmj ... tQ35APft9U
Mirror (MediaFire): ...

Hashes for file verification:

MD5: 419E6E3E5B25DA8F365674D518586AE6
SHA1: 7BDB08013F3BBE9CE3BA8CA6B78B580D297CCC5C

See below for a whole host of configuration, squeezeplay configuration, SSL installation and more....

Note: Use this release at your own risk. Although rare, I am not responsible if your brick or damage your Joggler in the process. By applying this release all current settings and configurations will be lost.


- Added "Call home" fix (by jkn) - No more missing icons!
- Added new Wi-Fi driver. Final stable version, improved signal and reliability.
- Fixed all BBC national, BBC local and commercial station streams in the lounge radio app (Removed redundant streams)
- Modified the "News" App to include new feeds
- Removed all broken apps i.e. YouTube, Google calendar, Stars (horoscope) and Facebook
- New apps installed for BBC news, Engadget, New Scientist, PC Mag and Slashdot (RSS Based)
- Added a new basic calendar
- Added shutdown, reboot and ad-block apps by default
- Set new default app order


Sorry about the image quality. I had to take the pics using a camera phone.







Installation is the same as the normal PNP3 install, so you need to reset back to the original OpenPeak image before applying PNP3.

(Instructions from OffbeatDave)

It goes without saying that I take no responsibility if anything untoward should happen to your Joggler, although fortunately there are plenty of us here who are willing to help in the unlikely event that it does!

Stage 1 - Make sure the Joggler is running the latest operating system.
Use Roobarb's re-worked OpenPeak image and reflash tool. Find it at Roobarb's birdslikewires site. The advantage of this is a cleaner image and the ability to install automatically without telnet.

Stage 2 - Install PnP III
Works with Jogglers reflashed with Roobarb's cleaner post-update OpenPeak OS v30300 (recommended) or Jogglers running the original o2 OS

1) Make sure your Joggler is 'clean'.
Use the reflasher from to achieve this with your preferred version.
2) Unzip the downloaded archive and copy all the files to the root a FAT32 formatted USB stick .
Make sure any hidden files are copied.
Make sure there is no 'remove_for_new_install' file on the root USB stick
3) With the Joggler turned off, plug the USB stick into your clean Joggler, switch it on and leave it to do its thing!
This method does not require network or internet connection.
This can take 10-20 minutes depending on the USB stick.
It may 'reboot' a few times but will stay on the 'OpenPeak' or 'o2' boot screen, looking for all the world as if nothing is happening. Flashing USB sticks however tell otherwise.
4) The Joggler will eventually reboot into the OS with all the new apps and icons
5) You will need to remove the 'remove_for_new_install' file from the USB stick after use to use it again.

Once installation is complete:
SSH, SCP, Telnet enabled(username: joggler password: joggler)
Simple Webserver available via a browser at <YOUR_JOGGLER'S_IP_ADDRESS>
Logitech Media Server (LMS) available via a browser at <YOUR_JOGGLER'S_IP_ADDRESS:9000>


1) Make sure your Joggler is clean (See roobarb's reflashing instructions - linked above).

2) Unzip the downloaded archive and copy all the files to a formatted USB stick .
Make sure any hidden files are copied.
Make sure there is no 'remove_for_new_install' file on the root USB stick
3) Make sure your joggler is connected to your network.
Although internet access is not required to install PnP III,
you need network access to be able to Telnet in!
4) Plug the PnP III USB stick into an updated Joggler (with it powered on).
5) Telnet into the Joggler via a computer. The username is root and there is no password.
(open <your Joggler's IP address>)
4) Type in:
cd /mnt/files <press Enter>
./ <press Enter>
6) Loads of stuff will scroll up the Telnet window whilst the mods are installed.
7) The Joggler should eventually reboot into the OS with all the new apps and icons
8) If it is present, remove the 'remove_for_new_install' file from the USB stick after use.



Username: joggler
Password: joggler

SCP is the best way to transfer files to/from the joggler

Web configuration page

Simple webserver configuration page available via a browser at <YOUR_JOGGLER'S_IP_ADDRESS>

Logitech Media Server

Available via a browser at <YOUR_JOGGLER'S_IP_ADDRESS:9000>

--- Configuration ---

(Instructions by Craig)

Configure Wi-Fi, Wired and IP Address settings

This step can be configured via the joggler settings “Settings, Network”.

Change hostname

SSH into joggler...

vi /etc/hostname

Press I to put vi in insert mode
Press esc to exit and type :w to write and :q to quit or together :wq to write and quit

Fix automatic screen dimming

Access the webserver config page and disable dimming… (Restart required!). Note: Also needs to be disabled on squeezeplay by setting screen to 100% under display settings (Automatic by default). It can also be disabled on the joggler screensaver settings (if required).

Auto start squeezeplay

vi /etc/init.d/rcS

Press I to put vi in insert mode
Add the following to the end of the script:

sleep 60
/bin/sh /media/opt/squeezeplay/bin/ 2>&1 >/dev/null &

Press esc to exit and type :w to write and :q to quit or together :wq to write and quit

Customising the interface (App order)

The app order is currently personalised based on my specification, so you may wish to change the app order or remove unwanted apps:

Easy: Press and hold any icon on the home screen (GUI) and wait for the menu “Move/Remove” to be displayed.

Advanced: Modify the XML cookie file menuData.cookie in /openpeak/gui/mainmenus via SCP login. Warning: Make a backup copy first as it’s easy to corrupt the XML file.

Changing the lounge radio feeds

Feeds can be modified by editing jogContent.xml in /openpeak/gui/apps/o2_radio/

Icons can also be updated in the /icons folder

Changing the news feeds

News RSS feeds can be modified by editing configureNews.xml in /media/opt/news

Icons can also be updated in the same folder

Changing weather locations

Add locations to Accuweather app - more info: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=555&p=23943#p23958 and viewtopic.php?f=2&t=555&p=23943#p23943

Enabling Cron

You can use crontab which is already contained within

/bin/ crontab

1. Make the crontab directory

mkdir -p /var/spool/cron/crontabs

2. Start the cron daemon (in the background) on startup by adding the entry to starthacks()

cd /etc/init.d/boot.d

vi S99boot.hacks


./bin/ crond –b

under starthacks()


killall crond

under stophacks()

3. Add your config in crontab -e (/bin/ crontab -e) as normal. The default editor is vi

Using Ad-Block

Click the ad-block app via the interface. The latest ad-block host file will be downloaded and applied automatically.

Note: No confirmation is displayed.

--- Basic Squeezeplay configuration ---

Install SSL

SSL Perl compiled for Joggler by Craig

Download Here (Mega):!VmZmgCJZ!Ngi5gNVw6g81 ... QpXNShEso4
Mirror (MediaFire): ...

(Required for new SSL streams and audio only YouTube plugin)

Also important as more streams become SSL based (encrypted) in the future.

1. Load up SCP and connect to the joggler
2. Go to /usr/share/per5 and make a copy of that folder in case you make mistakes.
3. Download SSL for joggler and extract. Open the Folder “SSL for Joggler OS” locally
4. Copy the folders in libio-socket” and libnet-ssleay” to the correct locations on the joggler i.e. /usr/share/perl5 etc. (use the paths as defined in these folders). You will need to make some new folders (again follow the paths defined) or copy/paste the files into any existing folders. Don't overwrite any folders that already exist, simply copy the files into the folder instead. The man and doc folder is not required.
5. Make sure everything is copied over correctly and Restart the joggler
6. Upon restarting; the perl5 module will load (with the SSL update) and you will be able to access SSL streams via squeezeplay and other apps.

Update BBC iPlayer (audio only) on Squeezeplay

1. Login to the server via the web config page and access Logitech Media Server settings
2. Remove any old BBC iPlayer and iPlayer extra plugins
3. Go down to the bottom of the plugin page and enter:
4. ... -short.xml
5. Install the updated BBC iPlayer and iPlayer Extra plugins.

These work with the new streaming method (DASH) adopted by the BBC

Add YouTube (Audio only app)

You need to install the SSL plugin (see earlier info) before using the YouTube plugin. If this is not installed a message "Missing SSL" will be displayed. There is no workaround for this, as all YouTube streams are now SSL based.

1. Remove any old YouTube plugin under plugins in Logitech Media Server settings
2. Go down to the bottom of the plugins page and enter: ... epo-sf.xml
3. Install the YouTube plugin
4. Go to “advanced” and under “YouTube” (dropdown list) enter your API Key.

To get the API key (free) sign into your google account and request an API key for YouTube. See online for details.

Sorry I cannot provide my own API key, but this is pretty easy to get if you research online.

Stop UPnP/DLNA from LMS

DLNA is enabled by default and can be a little annoying (especially if no media is shared via the joggler) as it causes your joggler to be displayed on Windows 10 PC's as a DLNA device.

1. Access the Logitech Media Server settings
2. Under "plugins", uncheck the UPnP/DLNA plugin and restart LMS

This will not affect the ability to access other DLNA streams or connect to alternative LMS libraries.

Hiding and Restoring icons from the squeezebox interface

Useful if menu options are missing such as "App gallery" etc.

1. Long click on an item in the squeezeplay menu to hide it
2. To restore go to “Settings, home menu” and “Restore hidden menu items”

Extra Help

For help on PNP3 please look at the PNP3 v3.5 link: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=555

For help on squeezeplay configuration and extra plugins see the Logitech Squeezebox forum:

--- Further Updates? ---

This will be the final updated version of PNP3 and no further updates will be released by myself. However, I may provide updates for the radio streams only (if time allows).

Unfortunately, most of the original PNP3 apps such as YouTube, BBC iPlayer, google maps, google Calendar etc. are never coming back. These applications are written in flash (actionscript 2.0) and the vast majority of flash api's have now been discontinued. YouTube is now HTML5 only.

I also can't install a new Web browser due to countless missing dependencies.

I'm also unable to update LMS due to the size increase. It will not fit on the internal memory without deleting other apps.

Furthermore, the joggler has now been replaced by the rise in tablets and smart phones, but will hopefully remain useful for many years to come.


Regards, Craig
Last edited by craig_1234 on Sat Sep 16, 2017 3:41 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: PnP III v3.60 July 2017 Update

Post by craig_1234 »

There are lots of useful Logitech Media Server (LMS) plugins on the Logitech Squeezebox website including some plugins for Chromecast, Google Music and Amazon Alexa (In development). These should all be compatible with LMS on PNP3 ... y-Software
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Re: PnP III v3.60 July 2017 Update

Post by hawsey »

Great work , cheers for doing the update .

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Re: PnP III v3.60 July 2017 Update

Post by craig_1234 »

No problem. Did you manage to test it yet?
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Re: PnP III v3.60 July 2017 Update

Post by hawsey »

No , I'll try tonight hopefully if i get time :-)

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Re: PnP III v3.60 July 2017 Update

Post by offbeatdave »

Nice one.
Jogglering since Dec '09;
Tinkering with Jogglers since Feb '10 thanks to PMJ, Jogtools, PnP & sqpOS;
Gave something back Feb '12 to Apr '14 with PnP Mk II & PnP III;
Finally 'completed' PnP III Apr '15!
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Re: PnP III v3.60 July 2017 Update

Post by mikeywilliams »

Thank you for the update.
I just downloaded and installed the update (after Roobarbs reflash).
However it doesn't look much like what is shown above. For example the second icon is for facebook which you say you removed.
Could you please check that you have sent to mega and mediafire your latest version.
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Re: PnP III v3.60 July 2017 Update

Post by craig_1234 »

The Mega and MediaFire links are fine and the latest version.

This version of PNP3 only supports the Joggler, the openframe is not supported.

Can you see any of the new apps such as Engadget, BBC News etc. ? If not, then PNP3 hasn't been installed. If they are present, but the old apps haven't been removed, then the installation has corrupted (or failed to complete)

These are the steps I take to install PNP3

Don't connect any ethernet lead initally

1. Apply the original openpeak firmware (Version 30300)

2. Turn on the joggler and let the original opeakpeak firmware boot once to the homescreen. (important; as sometimes it fails to install PNP3 if you don't perform this step). Don't connect to any Wi-Fi or ethernet lead at this point. Then turn off the power.

3. Make sure the PNP3 files and folders are in the root of the USB stick and that the 'remove_for_new_install' file is not present.

Insert the USB with PNP3 and wait until it installs. This should take 5-10 min.
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Re: PnP III v3.60 July 2017 Update

Post by mikeywilliams »

Mea Culpa!
You were absolutely right. Thank you for your patience and clear instructions.

I had been using what I thought was Roobarbs latest but was in fact an earlier version. Reflashing with the latest and then your PnP and it is all working perfectly as advertised.
Many thanks for your hard work.
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Re: PnP III v3.60 July 2017 Update

Post by hawsey »

Downloading now for try out tonight :-) better late than never ....
Got about 7 to do , one or two won't flash tho so they will stay Xubuntu / SqpOs

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Re: PnP III v3.60 July 2017 Update

Post by FyodorNinian »

Hi there,

Firstly, just like to add my thanks for the time and effort that has gone into this work. Much appreciated. You've inspired me to dig out my jogglers and get them up and running with my squeezebox setup :-)

Am having a problem, any help appreciated... I reflashed my jogglers with the birdslikewires tool, and let it install v30300. That went well and the jogglers ae working with that software. I then copied your files into the root of a fat32 formatted usb stick. I turned the joggler off and inserted the fat32 usb, but instead of flashing PnP3 3.60, it just loads up the v30300 firmware. I've tried a number of times with two jogglers and the same happens each time. I then telneted in and it wouldn't mount the usb sticks. I've tried two sticks (inc same type of stick I used to reflash). Any suggestions?
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Re: PnP III v3.60 July 2017 Update

Post by craig_1234 »


Please have a look at my earlier reply post detailing the steps to install PNP3 3.6

Flash the joggler with v30300, let it boot once, then turn off (don't configure Wi-Fi or plug in an Ethernet lead yet) and then flash PNP3 v3.6.

Make sure your usb stick does not contain the "remove_for_new_install” file in the root (otherwise it will bypass the installation) and make sure the files have been copied from the zip file correctly.

The root of your usb stick must contain the folders "archives, files, radiostations and squeezefavourites" along with the other individual files i.e. in the root.

If these steps above fail, make sure the USB sticks don't contain other partitions (check in disk management in windows). The install of v30300 for example creates 2 partitions of around 477mb which will prevent PNP3 3.6 from installing. If they do, remove the partitions, create a new partition and format in FAT32.

I used a “Sandisk Cruzer Fit” when installing PNP3 3.6.
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Re: PnP III v3.60 July 2017 Update

Post by hawsey »

Well I took my time but now have my reflash and PNP sticks at the ready , let the reflashing begin , I don't even know how many Jogglers I have at present ;-)

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Re: PnP III v3.60 July 2017 Update

Post by hawsey »

Reflash first Image

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Re: PnP III v3.60 July 2017 Update

Post by hawsey »

My Son is 7 , looking at my line of Jogglers getting the PNP treatment he said " Dad you've got a bit of a problem there haven't you "
I think he has a point ...Image

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Re: PnP III v3.60 July 2017 Update

Post by hawsey »

Cheers Craig , well out of the 7 , 5 are working like a dream , 1 won't flash so has been set to work as a SqPlay / Plex ( audio ) server .Another I accidentally flashed with the flasher itself so just needs the blind boot thing to rescue it ( I've done this once before,
doh )

Great work , all working well ,
one question , the apps like Engadget with the page arrows at the bottom , how do they work ?
Can that work for any web site ?
Thanks again :-)

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Re: PnP III v3.60 July 2017 Update

Post by craig_1234 »

Good, glad it’s working fine. I've never seen so many jogglers in one place before :o I only have 3 and they are all running the new PNP3

The apps such as Engadget are based on a RSS flash widget for the now discontinued Sony Dash. Unfortunately the RSS URL is hard encoded in the source, so cannot be updated. I downloaded the apps about 2 years ago and the original developers page is long gone. Thankfully most websites don't change their RSS url's, so they should be good for the next few years.

There is however a version for the Chumby which you may be able to use. It’s an older version of the RSS widget and I'm not sure whether you can set the resolution, but here it is: ... get_in_AS3

However, if you wish to add some more RSS streams, it's easier to update the "News Feeds" app to include extra feeds and icons.

That's the problem with Flash nowadays. Most of the old websites, sample code and SWF files are rapidly disappearing into an Internet black hole.
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Re: PnP III v3.60 July 2017 Update

Post by hawsey »

Cheers Craig , the internet black hole is a shame , there should be some massive storage facility somewhere :-) lots of of Original XBOX stuff has gone that way into the abyss :-( .
I've noticed on things like BBC bite size for my 7 year old some times they will have an " imbed this in to your own page " and some flash code .
Would this likely work on a Joggler ? There are some good educational games on there .

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Re: PnP III v3.60 July 2017 Update

Post by pete »

Typically here just download the swf file by reading the code and then just trying it on the Joggler. Well did this for a bunch of Chumby applications a while ago. I still have one Chumby on line today and it is running a custom code that reads only stuff on the device and not Dependant on the Internet should the connection not be present. That said for weather, news, et al depending on the flash file; it could be written for generic internet connectivity.

I have done similar for my embedded windows Jogglers. Just clocks mostly.

I am still trying to figure your stove picture above with 10 knobs on it. ;)
- Pete
O2 Jogglers running EFI Ubuntu / Squeezeplayer
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Re: PnP III v3.60 July 2017 Update

Post by mb1 »

Amazing work, thank you. The only tweak I usually make is to move the Screen Off icon to the first page.
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